How Does Dental Monitoring Work?

A person can’t be everywhere at once, no matter how much we might wish to be. Fortunately, technology in the orthodontic field provides an incredible tool to help bridge the gap between patients and our office. Today, Rhoads Orthodontics will explain how dental monitoring works and how we primarily use it for aligners:


What Is It?

Dental Monitoring is an advanced AI-powered system that we offer to our patients to maintain a point of remote contact with Dr. Rhoads, which still allows her to keep up with the progress of treatment visually. 


Here’s a closer look at how the platform works: 

  • Enrollment: At the beginning of your treatment, you will have the option to enroll in our dental monitoring program. We’ll provide you with detailed instructions and the necessary materials, including a special mouthpiece that attaches to your phone’s camera to help you capture photos of your smile.
  • Smartphone App: Download the app, which serves as a communication portal between you and our team.
  • Photo Uploads: Using your ScanBox mouthpiece, you will take specific photos of your teeth and smile as instructed (e.g., front, side, and bite views). You’ll upload these photos to your portal, where they will be securely stored.
  • Review: Dr. Rhoads will have access to your uploaded photos and will review them remotely to assess your treatment progress. Specialized software analyzes the photos to track changes in tooth alignment and overall oral health.
  • Feedback and Adjustment: Based on her assessment, Dr. Rhoads can provide feedback or recommend adjustments to your treatment plan. If necessary, she may also schedule an in-person appointment.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Throughout your treatment, you will continue to upload photos at regular intervals, allowing for continuous monitoring of your progress.


How Does Dental Monitoring Work?

Benefits of Dental Monitoring

Rhoads Orthodontics is excited to offer this program to our patients for several reasons—primarily because we understand that everyone leads a busy life, and frequent in-person appointments may not always be feasible. These are some of the additional benefits of Dental Monitoring:

  • Convenience: Using your personal smartphone and a portable mouthpiece provides a significant advantage for adults who are often on the go and teenagers busy with school.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Patients receive prompt feedback since the photos are updated in real-time and sent directly to the doctor.
  • Improved Compliance: Remote monitoring encourages patients to stay engaged with their treatment plan by providing a convenient communication tool, leading to better compliance and treatment outcomes.
  • Enhanced Communication: You might forget to ask a question during an office visit, but this system allows you to communicate with Dr. Rhoads more easily, fostering a collaborative relationship and ensuring timely updates and concerns are addressed.
  • Early Detection of Issues: Regular monitoring enables us to identify and address any issues early on before they become serious, taking a proactive approach to prevent complications and ensure smoother treatment results.
  • Personalized Care: This one-on-one method allows us to address each patient’s unique needs with great attention.
  • Comprehensive Care: One neat feature of this program is that patients can view a time-lapse video to see how their treatment is progressing over time. The long duration of treatment can be hard for some, so this is a wonderful tool to motivate them.



You might not have been familiar with this technology until now, so let’s address some additional questions while we’re here:

Q: Is Dental Monitoring secure?

Yes. Dental Monitoring prioritizes patient privacy and data security. The platform complies with HIPAA regulations and employs encryption and other security measures to protect your information.

Q: Can I use Dental Monitoring for emergencies?
While Dental Monitoring is great for maintaining communication with your doctor, emergencies should always be addressed in person. Be sure to contact our office immediately if you have any issues that require urgent attention.

Q: What if I have technical difficulties with the app?
If you encounter any issues with the app, contact our office for assistance. We will provide you with troubleshooting guidance to help resolve any problems you’re experiencing.

Q: Is the app suitable for kids?

Yes, it can be suitable for both teenagers and children, depending on their ability to follow instructions. If needed, parents or guardians can assist with the photo-taking process to ensure accuracy.


How Does Dental Monitoring Work?

Making Orthodontics Easy

So, if this is new information for you, we hope it’s good news! Our team at Rhoads Orthodontics is just as amazed by these technological advancements as you are, and we love how they can enhance your experience with us. If you have any questions about enrollment or starting treatment, please reach out to our Cranberry Township office